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Render Controls - Lighting

The Lighting tab contains controls for the lighting in the scene.

Figure 1: The Lighting tab

Sky Light Controls

  • Sky light: Changes the intensity of the light emitted from the sky. Positive values beyond the range of the slider can be entered into the associated input field.

Emitter Controls

  • Enable emitters: Changes whether emitters (blocks that are set to emit light; by default, these will be most blocks that already emit light in Minecraft, such as torches, glowstone, etc., but this can be changed in the Materials tab) are enabled. When enabled, these blocks will contribute lighting to the scene. When disabled, these blocks will behave like all other blocks.

Figure 2: Enabling emitters enables the emittance of light from set blocks

  • Emitter intensity: Changes the intensity of the light emitted from emitters, if they are enabled. This setting applies to all materials, and is a multiplier of the base emittance value of each material, which can be changed in the Materials tab. Positive values beyond the range of the slider can be entered into the associated input field.

  • Emitter Sampling Strategy: Dropdown menu to select the Emitter Sampling Strategy method to be used while rendering. ESS is only effective when emitters are enabled.

    • NONE: Disables Emitter Sampling Strategy.

    • ONE: Samples one randomly-selected emitter within the cell of intersection and its adjacent cells per ray intersection.

    • ALL: Samples every emitter within the cell of intersection and its adjacent cells per ray intersection.

If Emitter Sampling Strategy is enabled when it was previously disabled for the currently-loaded scene, then the chunks must be reloaded for changes to take effect.

Sunlight Controls

  • Enable sunlight: Changes whether the sun in Chunky emits light.

  • Draw sun: Changes whether the texture of the sun in Chunky is drawn onto the sky.

  • Sun intensity: Changes the intensity of the light emitted from the sun. This setting is effective only when sunlight is enabled. Positive values beyond the range of the slider can be entered into the associated input field.

  • Sun azimuth: Changes the horizontal direction of the sun in the sky from a reference direction of East (positive X).

  • Sun altitude: Changes the vertical direction of the sun in the sky from a reference altitude of the horizon.

  • Sun color: Opens a color selector dialog box to change the color of the light emitted from the sun. This does not change the color of the texture of the sun.