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The Map tab is the default view when Chunky is launched. It displays a 2D overhead view of the currently-loaded world. From this tab, chunk selections are made before being loaded.

Figure 1: The Map view

The map will display one of two display modes, depending on the map Scale. At a map scale of 13 or greater, Chunky will display individual blocks of the world (albeit in a simplified manner), and at a map scale of 12 or less, Chunky will display the biome map of the world, like the one in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The biome map

  • Left-click and drag: Move the map view.

  • Left-click: Select or deselect a chunk, if the map scale is 16 or greater; or region, if the map scale is 15 or less.

  • Shift + Left-click and drag: Create a resizable rectangular chunk selection. Shift does not need to be held down continuously after the resizable rectangle appears. Upon release of left-click, a selection of chunks is made.

  • Ctrl + Shift + Left-click and drag: Create a resizeable rectangular "de-selection". Upon release of left-click, the chunks within the rectangular de-selection will be removed from the selection.

  • Mouse wheel: Changes the map scale (zoom). Alternatively, the Scale control can be used.

  • Right-click: Opens a context menu with some selection- and scene-related options.

Figure 3: Map view controls

Chunk outline

Prior to left-clicking, an outline of the highlighted chunk will be shown.

Chunk selected

After left-clicking, the outline will be filled in and selected.

Region outline

Prior to left-clicking, an outline of the highlighted region will be shown.

Region selected

After left-clicking, the region outline will be filled in and selected.

Resizable selection

Resizable selection

Right-click Menu

Right-clicking in the map opens a context menu containing some selection- and scene-related options.

Figure 4: Map tab right-click menu

  • New scene from selection: Creates a new scene from the selected chunks.

  • Clear selection: Clears the chunk selection.

  • Move camera here: Moves the scene camera selected in the Camera tab to the coordinates of the right-click.

  • Select camera-visible chunks: Selects the chunks visible to the scene camera and currently visible in the map view.


The map view displays a box containing information about the chunk, if any, and the block, if any, that the cursor is hovering over, and the size of the current chunk selection.

Figure 5: The map view details box

The three lines in the box provide the following information:

  1. The coordinates of the chunk that the cursor is hovering over; and the biome that is at the location of the block that is at Y = 0 and the X- and Z-coordinates of the block over which the cursor is hovering.

  2. The X- and Z-coordinates of the block over which the cursor is hovering.

  3. The number of chunks that are currently selected.